A new update and some changes are coming to this website.

This is a long-overdue update. As you might have noticed, I hadn’t posted a new article on the website in quite a long time. There were many reasons for my prolonged absence here but the most important one was the pandemic. The events of 2020 & 2021, multiple lockdowns and national quarantines have affected both my work and private life, forcing me to prioritise certain things over others.

Luckily, while the last two years were pretty rough, 2022 started with new possibilities and an opportunity to get back to one of activities I like the most, writing. I have many ideas for articles that I wanted to share with you for a long time, and hopefully, I will be able to do so in the coming months. I have already made some changes to this personal website, refining some elements and changing my hosting service. The layout and aesthetics of my homepage will remain mostly the same. When switching from Wordpress to Jekyll in 2018 I chose minimalism over bloated graphics and visual effects, to increase site’s performance and to reduce its size. I still swear by those principles, against a common trend to place as many ads, banners and promotional links on a page as possible. My website will continue to be ad-free and I will not hide any content behind a paywall.

I created some new posts with my artworks and fan fiction, backdated to the original time of creation, so you might want to browse through my website again if you are interested in checking those out. From now on all new content will be posted with its actual date.

If you encounter any errors please let me know so I can fix them.