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Freewrite Traveler after fourteen months
It has been fourteen months since I bought Freewrite Traveler, an e-Ink device with a sole purpose of writing text and with limited editing capacity. Did it really change how often and how much I write?
Traveler's Notebook Passport Size
I may have just found a perfect notebook.
Hogwarts Legacy: the final battle
As all good things must end eventually, so did my Hogwarts adventure. I have completed the game together with all the quests, achievements and collectibles. Has my opinion on it changed in the meantime?
Kaweco BRASS Sport — the smallest and possibly the coolest fountain pen I own
At the beginning of 2024 I acquired a new fountain pen, Kaweco BRASS Sport. I have been looking at it for quite some time, pondering whether it was worth purchasing. In the first week of January I finally decided to check that pen out. Here is my review after two and a half months of usage.
13 years on deviantART
This morning I was surprised by a message from deviantART, stating “Happy Anniversary, vertiser!”
Hogwarts Legacy in the middle of the adventure
I have been playing Hogwarts Legacy for some time now and have advanced in the story and the discovery of game’s world. After putting about 20-25 hours in the game I can say that the magical world is more and more fascinating with every hour spent within.
Sometimes older things work better than new ones
It may not be an universal truth, but it happens often enough. Nowadays planned obsolescence prevails, but in the past, when both labour and materials were more expensive, things were built to last a lifetime.
Freewrite Traveler a month and a half later
Last December I bought Freewrite Traveler, a smart typewriter with an e-Ink screen, in a laptop form factor. I have spent six weeks with the device so far. How did it change my writing habits?
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - a lovely, peaceful game for everyone
I have joined the Animal Crossing party quite late, in the second half of 2023, although I had been considering beginning my adventure on a tropical island for quite some time. I can honestly say that Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a unique game and one that I will probably play for many years to come. What made is so special for me?
Why a catch-all e-mail configuration may not be the best idea
I have been aware of the importance of a proper e-mail configuration and strict privacy for a long time, which is the main reason why I had left Gmail many years ago and migrated to another provider. One of advices I saw in many places on the Internet was to set up a catch-all e-mail domain, to ensure the convenience and privacy when using many accounts in various places online.
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